Dispute Resolution Policy

Last Updated: December 9, 2024

This policy outlines the terms and conditions related to dispute resolution for services or products received through IVONNE, Inc. It provides definitions for key terms like "Client," "Dispute Resolution (DR)," and "Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)," among others, ensuring clarity in the process. The policy emphasizes the importance of understanding these terms before initiating any dispute. It also describes the procedure for lodging a complaint or dispute, instructing clients to email their concerns with supporting evidence. Should a client disagree with the proposed resolution, the policy notes that third-party facilitators can assist in the dispute resolution process, with additional resources provided by the Government of Canada for further guidance.

Terms and Conditions

The provisions in our Dispute Resolution Policy are in addition to your rights as a consumer.


You are beginning a dispute for a treatment or product received through IVONNE, Inc. "(IVONNE)" - what's next? We want you to understand (and it is in your best interest to know) what the terms are, the limitations, your obligations and responsibilities. Please take the time to read through this Dispute Resolution Policy before you make an appointment or begin any dispute process. Bolded and italicized terms are defined in this agreement.


This Policy sets forth the terms under which you may dispute charges, penalties, performance, or purchases, of services and/or products from or through IVONNE, Inc. ("IVONNE"), all as defined below. This Agreement applies if you schedule any appointment, obtain products or receive services directly from IVONNE or through an IVONNE supplier, employee, or contractor. All Services and Products will be identified in the original appointment confirmation or invoice. If you receive services or products from IVONNE in a model call, educational setting, influencer or partner arrangement, a complimentary service or product, this agreement governs that use.

IVONNE Terms and Conditions are outlined below.

Information Collection

All information is collected by IVONNE pursuant to O. Reg. 136/18: PERSONAL SERVICE SETTINGS and The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA“).


Client means any individual, natural person, who receives, schedules, or plans to receive or purchases any service or product from IVONNE.

Dispute Resolution (DR) is the term used to describe a variety of ways of dealing with disputes, including the option of going to court.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to resolving disputes in ways other than going to court.

Service means any service available and listed in the scheduling system at IVONNE.

Product means any skincare, self-care, or cosmetic product available for purchase on the IVONNE website or in clinic, or through any of its suppliers or their websites.

You, and your refer to you the client - the person registered in the appointment scheduling system, or the person listed in the purchase receipt or invoice.

We, Us, or Our refer to IVONNE, Inc. ("IVONNE") and any services provided by us, partners, agents, or suppliers.

Estimate means an official communication sent by us with an outline of anticipated costs to perform any requested service or work that relates to a specific client.

Quote means an official communication sent by us with an outline of anticipated costs to perform any requested service or work that relates to a specific client.

Virtual Consult/Consultation means an appointment that has been conducted not in person, and through a video or telephone call.

Appointment means a scheduled service and time logged in our scheduling system.

Follow-Up/Touch-Up means a future appointment that comes after any initial service received in connection with the nature of the original service.

Off-Label Use means the use of any product, including natural health product or (non) prescription drug for an unapproved indication, or an unapproved age group, dosage, or route of administration.

Permanent Makeup means any form of cosmetic tattoo treatments, namely Microblading, Nano Brows, Eyeliner Tattoo, Lip Tattoo, Freckle Tattoo, Beauty Mark Tattoo.

Waivers means any consent form in which the client is waiving and/or consenting to receive products or services.


Should you have a complaint or dispute about any service or product received through IVONNE, please email the details of your request, including any supporting evidence to 304826501267886a96baaba.

If you disagree with the solution offered by Us, then you have dispute resolution processes available to you. IVONNE works with third parties to facilitate any dispute resolution processes.

For more information on Dispute Resolution and options available to you, please refer to the following resources:

Government of Canada "Resolving Disputes - Think About Your Options"


Only those persons or entities who have a direct relationship with IVONNE (have received a treatment, purchased a product directly through our clinic) are eligible for dispute resolution processes. IVONNE cannot negotiate with anyone other than a client or appointed agent.

Disputes are valid only if they meet the following criteria:

  • The dispute pertains to the application of existing IVONNE policies or terms agreed upon at the time of scheduling, purchasing, or receiving a service or product.
  • The dispute involves a material breach of performance, quality, or terms outlined in the agreement.
  • Evidence is provided supporting the claim of non-compliance by IVONNE.

Ineligible Disputes:

  • Disagreements due to failure to read or understand IVONNE policies or terms before scheduling, purchasing, or using a service or product.
  • Disputes involving third-party suppliers unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing.
  • Claims outside the scope of services or products directly provided by IVONNE.

IVONNE does not offer dispute resolution after the fact should a client disagree with one of our policies after they have already agreed to them by scheduling an appointment or using a product.

Contact Information About This Policy

For any questions or complaints in relation to this agreement or any product or treatment you purchase, you may contact IVONNE at the following:

By Regular Mail:
0116-320 Queen Street, Ottawa ON K1R 5A3

By Email:

By Phone:
(613) 695-6662

By Social Media:

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