Last Updated: August 15, 2024
Find out more about our Photography Policy here.
This website does not contain any confidential images of clients. All images are published with express and written consent.
IVONNE, Inc. ("IVONNE") as a permanent makeup and skincare clinic relies heavily on the use of images of its clients in order to demonstrate the effects, results, lifestyle advantages, risks, and benefits of its products and services.
IVONNE® offers all clients and contacts the option to consent to capture and use of their photo and likeness for commercial and public purposes. This consent is offered at each new appointment in the online scheduling form. Otherwise, all clients or contacts who participate in photography do so under the following terms and Photography Policy and Use Release:
This photography policy is entered into and made valid upon express or implied photography activity by both the Photographer and the Model.
IVONNE is not responsible for any Model who does not act in accordance with their own professional obligations or contractual terms.
The Model understands and agrees that they may terminate or revoke their consent for use of their photo or likeness at any time by sending official communication to the contact information provided at the bottom of this page.
IVONNE will take all reasonable and practical efforts to unpublish, remove, and otherwise delete photos, images, or video containing the model, subject to the inherent limitations of the internet which includes third-party duplication, caching, and replication of content that are outside of IVONNE's control.
A Model or Client is any person who has received a service, consultation, or has purchased a product through IVONNE.
IVONNE accepts no responsibility for models who have forgotten, misunderstood, or whose personal or professional circumstances have changed impacting their photographic or public image obligations.
Photos and images may be subject to our Privacy Policy and Social Media Policy.
For any questions or complaints in relation to this agreement or any product or treatment you purchase, you may contact IVONNE at the following:
By Regular Mail:
0116-320 Queen Street, Ottawa ON K1R 5A3
By Email:
By Phone:
(613) 695-6662
By Social Media: